
01626 775182



Buckeridge Road, Teignmouth Devon, TQ14 8NG

Teeth Whitening

Over time and as a natural part of ageing teeth will often become discoloured, dulled, and stained. This process can be accelerated by factors such as diet, smoking and drinking tea, coffee, or red wine.

Read more on teeth whitening below.

Stained, dulled or discoloured teeth can have a significant impact to a person’s confidence and patients often tell us how self-conscious they are of their smile. The good news is that this can easily be fixed by undertaking a course of teeth whitening. We offer a range of bespoke whitening methods to suit different budgets and needs.

One of our dentists will first assess you for the suitability of the whitening process and, once approved, they will talk you through the different methods we offer, helping you to make an informed decision that suits your requirements and budget.

All the methods that we offer can be carried out at home, use the most advanced materials and techniques and are safe to use, therefore they do not damage the teeth or enamel. During the whitening process you may experience some short-term sensitivity, however this will resolve once the process is complete.

Once you have achieved your bright, healthy smile you can maintain it by keeping a good oral health routine at home, attending regular check-ups with the dentist and therapist and limiting the amount of staining drinks that you consume. If you have a special event coming up, a big wedding or birthday, or just fancy a little boost then topping up your whitening is easy.