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Root Canal Treatment

Often referred to as Endodontics, Root Canal Treatment is the removal of diseased nerves in the root of the tooth, relieving patients of significant oral pain.

Root Canal Treatment

This procedure consists of the removal of infected or damaged nerve tissue within the root canal, typically caused by tooth decay or trauma.

Common symptoms indicating the possible need for a root canal treatment include:

  • Pain (pulsing or throbbing) in the tooth which can intensify when eating and biting down on the tooth
  • Heat sensitivity particularly with food and drink
  • Sensitive or swollen gums around the affected tooth
  • Facial swelling

X-rays or other diagnostic tests will be taken to confirm the presence of infected or damaged nerve tissue and where suitable a root canal treatment will be undertaken in an effort to save the tooth, containing and preventing the spread of infection to neighbouring teeth and gums.

It can be a relatively lengthy procedure due to the complexities of removing the infected tissue deep in the root of the tooth however as it is carried out under local anaesthetic it is usually completely pain free. Once the root has been removed and the tooth has been cleaned of bacteria it is filled and restored using composite filling or porcelain crowns.