
01626 775182



Buckeridge Road, Teignmouth Devon, TQ14 8NG

Occlusal Splints

For those experiencing jaw pain, enamel wear or tension headaches from clicking, clenching and other unconscious habits, Aspire offers custom-built splints, aimed at preventing and remedying pain in your mouth, jaw and surrounding muscular areas.

‘occlusal splints’ are built to prevent the further creation of pain in and around the muscular areas of the jaw and the associated headaches that some patients suffer from. The most common habit that leads to such pain is clenching and grinding of the teeth while sleeping, but there are other reasons as to why one might need a splint.

At Aspire, our splints are custom fitted to lie comfortably in your mouth and prevent the particular problem affecting you from further eroding or chipping your teeth, causing you muscular jaw pain or giving you inexplicable headaches.