
01626 775182



Buckeridge Road, Teignmouth Devon, TQ14 8NG

Skin Booster+ (PRP Skin Treatments)

PRP is a type of autologous treatment (meaning ‘from your own body’) which utilises the healthy blood of your own body to promote the healthy regeneration of skin in other areas of your face.

At Aspire, we take healthy blood from you, separating the plasma from the red blood cells and mixing with a base serum to create a product which harnesses and magnifies the healthiest aspects of your own blood. This is then injected into your skin to promote the production of naturally occurring products such as elastin and collagen which help healthy skin regeneration and smooth out the skin.

PRP Treatment is applicable to a number of situations and can repair a number of aspects of the skin, depending on which base serum is used. Find out more by getting in touch with us today.